
On the Road from Las Vegas to Los Angeles (Desert Photos)

We just got back from spending three weeks in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The L.A. part of the trip was actually added last minute and totally spur of the moment. It was exactly the sort of detour Amy and I loved to pull off when we were younger, and feared we may never do again now that we have three kids. I treasure this chance we took to prove that our sense of adventure is still intact. A road trip with little kids is never easy but this one was well worth it. It was an ideal way to convalesce after two-plus years of lockdowns. California always delivers.

Below is a collection of photos mostly taken from the road as we passed through the Mojave desert. I don’t claim to be an ace photographer, but I like these shots. They seem to have captured how I truly felt. The parched expanses represent well to me the monolithic boringness of modern suburban life. Changing winds and skies mirrored the turbulent vibe of screaming in a minivan juxtaposed with the utter peacefulness when the babies are asleep, and there’s finally some space for man and wife to keep going with that long conversation on a shared dream for a better life.

Globemallow blooms in Red Rock Canyon park near Las Vegas
Globemallow blooms (Red Rock Canyon, Clark County Nevada)
mountains in the mojave desert of california and nevada
highway infrastructure in california and nevada in the mountain area of the mojave desert
solar power plant in the mojave desert in california with mountains in the background and a blue semi-truck
Solar power facility (California)
a mountain and dark skies in the mojave desert of california and nevada
Man sees the mountain. Mountain sees the man.
joshua trees in the desert of california
Joshua Trees
Fruit of the Joshua Tree (edible)
mountains in the mojave desert of california and nevada
Barstow California classic drive-in theatre and a mailbox
The old drive-in theatre in Barstow (California)
mountains in the mojave desert of california
Lunar eclipse over Alamitos Bay and marina in Long Beach, California near Los Angeles
Lunar eclipse over Alamitos Bay (Long Beach, California)