
Hiking and Mushrooming on the Bruce Trail (2019)

The Bruce Trail is 1400kms of maintained trail that winds the Niagara Escarpment connecting the southern deciduous with the northern mixed forests of Ontario, Canada.  

The Escarpment itself is a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. This international designation doesn’t legislatively protect the area, but it assists local efforts like those of the Bruce Trail Conservancy (BTC).

The BTC is a non-profit with 10,000 members which aims to officially protect 900kms of trail (and 500kms of side trails) connecting the Niagara River to the tip of the Bruce Peninsula.

My family’s hobby is hiking the Bruce and finding and identifying mushrooms. Here are a few photos from our forays in 2019:

Ricky the racoon
Slime mold?
Beautiful carvings in the woods near Brock University
Earthstar and slug
Spider appeared larger in real life
Something special we hadn’t seen before. It’s a deciduous tree and a conifer living in magical synergy.
Maybe a rare Cherry Birch near Brock University
When you find that fab chanterelle
We ate some of these. Very good.
Racoon tomb
Jelly ear
clavarioid coral mushroom
Ghost Pipe
This is the deadly Destroying Angel
Amanita Muscaria is psychoactive
Artist’s Conk